Sunday, February 28, 2010

I turned 26 this week

I don't know how many people are still following this blog... But then again what is there to follow, if there are no updates!! I turned 26 this week, in the most Danish of b'day celebrations. And it is quite strange what age can do to u...

I suddenly realised that the clock is ticking by. Everything that I wanted to do in life - now there is one year less in which to do it. And that includes this blog. I have told only half my story - or is it one - third - I don't know. That I will discover, along with you my reader

It tooks me 10 mins to even understand where I was in my story - it's been a year and a half and my memory is a bit rusty (atleast that is my excuse). But now I have found the thread... It time to reveal my experiences during the 2nd semester of my MBA. All the secrets that were locked up in a place people love to call "down under" ??!!!

Good to be back,

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